Thank you for the deep sense of romance you write into every post!! I cite Finding Joy regularly at work and your substack is certainly a great source of joy for me every time you post ❤️ I hope to participate in the Song and a Curry project someday very soon 🥰

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Ethan!! Thank you always for your sweet words, they are also a deep sense of joy ❤️

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Your photo of the rice fields is beautiful. It really does look like the water and the mountains and the sky meet in those fields in that light.

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Lovey piece. I’m very excited to hear about the umeboshi project.

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I wasn't looking for this substack. Had no idea it existed.

...but my own life has always required me to live through creative written adventures, and Japan always sounded so lovely.

Slow, calm, on purpose, with a beauty I still hope, one day, to see.

This was lovely, Kana.

I awoke in pain this morning, and sat down to find something to shift my attention...to breathe in and out until the pain was under control.

...this was...perfect.

Now I'm sitting here.

No pain.


Bonus -- my heart is full.

You were a blessing to me today, Kana.


[looked up via Google translate, but you were worth it]

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